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Sunday, October 11, 2009

I dude it by mine own self

This is Bear's latest catchphrase.

Practically anytime I try to help him with anything.

I know it comes with the territory of being 3.

Trying to be independent.

But, I look at all of my kids and wonder when they suddenly could do so much on their own.

Simple things, like Monkey not having to hold my hand or be wedged in between my body and the truck as I get his brothers unbuckled.

When he was just a tiny little toddler and I was trying to get his baby brother out, I would stress and pretty much squish his little body as I would unbuckle the baby.

But, now, he can unbuckle himself and though I still remind him to stay right by the truck as I get out the others, it no longer causes me complete anxiety.

I don't remember when that happened.

When it went from my having to do things for them, to the stage where I was only helping them, to the stage where they can dude it by mine own self.

Monkey being able to play outside alone in the fenced-in yard while I watch from the window. Bear going potty alone or getting himself dressed. Even Cub...climbing all over everything and being perfectly fine doing that without any assistance from me.

It's a lot less stressful to know that my kids can do some things without me; to know that I am not responsible for every last little thing that they need to get done, that they can get some things done on their own.

But, it's also a little sad.



Blogger Lisa said...

awww all the precious things you want them to learn and then miss when they do. I remember going to my room and crying the first time Nikki called me mom. I still wanted to be mommy.

October 11, 2009 at 5:50 PM  
Blogger Foursons said...

I totally understand this! But I have found that the more independent my kiddos become the more I can actually enjoy them instead of constantly taking care of every single little need.

October 11, 2009 at 6:09 PM  
Blogger Chief said...

i know what it's like to be a little sad about another stage in their lives gone. I always rejoiced their independence and still do. I wonder if I will regret it in 10 years

October 11, 2009 at 6:16 PM  
Blogger Shell said...

Lisa, my 4 year old just started calling me mom and I hate it! I'm Mommy!

Usually, their becoming independent is exciting to me. But, before, it was because there was always another little one coming behind. Maybe knowing that I am not having any more is making me more emotional.

October 11, 2009 at 9:24 PM  
Blogger Evonne said...

I know exactly how you feel. I was so happy when my daughter started doing more and more by herself. But with my son, I am so proud that he "dided it hisself", but I'm also sad because there are no more little ones in the house.

October 12, 2009 at 8:48 AM  

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